DVM, MSCE, Dip.ACVIM-Cardiology

Charlotte Newton Sheppard

Endowed Professor of Medicine and Cardiology - University of Pennsylvania, PA, US


Dr. Oyama is a board-certified cardiologist and the Charlotte Newton Sheppard Endowed Professor of Medicine and Professor of Cardiology at the University of Pennsylvania.

Dr. Oyama currently serves as the Chair of the Department of Clinical Sciences and Advanced Medicine at Penn Vet.

He received his DVM degree from the University of Illinois and completed his specialty training at the University of California at Davis. Dr. Oyama is a key opinion leader on industry and professional advisory boards and recently completed a term of service on the NIH One Health Alliance-Clinical Translational Science committee.

He has close research collaborations with faculty at Penn Medicine, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Penn Dental, and Yale and Columbia Universities. Dr. Oyama always looks forward to discussions about his favorite topics, including the pathology of myxomatous mitral valve disease, diuretic responsiveness, new therapies for heart failure and clinical trials.


Part #2

