5th Cross-talk Symposium in Cardiology

About the event

September 23, 2022 Chicago - Bordeaux

This outstanding 5th edition of the Cross-talk Symposium in Cardiology connected for the first time the two continents simultaneously, gathering no fewer than one hundred and seventy world-renowned specialists! It highlighted the most recent and up-to-date discoveries in cardiology and generated discussions across different worlds: human and veterinary medicines, from the Old World and the New World. The title of this 5th edition “Two hearts that beat as one” is the best illustration of this constant and solid link between humans and dogs and of the “One Health” concept. 

You have here the opportunity to watch the videos of each session and download the printed support with a summary of each lecture.

We hope that you will enjoy this content!

Emilie Guillot, DVM & Catherine Garelli-Paar, Pharm.D, MS
Global Technical & Marketing Managers

Take-Home Message videos

